A National Seminar on “Emerging trends in agriculture and Biotechnology” conducted on 24th March 2017
Congratulations to all participants to make this event national seminar on “Emerging trends in agriculture and Biotechnology” successful which was conducted on 24th March 2017. The aim of this seminar was to inform and update the students about their future prospects and opportunities available in the field of Agriculture and Biotechnology.
⦁ New era of upcoming technologies
⦁ Sustainable development
⦁ Commercial benefits available
⦁ Agriculture and biotechnology applications for human welfare
⦁ Future prospects and opportunities available in agriculture and biotechnology field
In order to achieve these aims, we offer a highly conducive academic environment. By providing high level of teaching and R & D activities, we encourage innovation and inter-disciplinary programs with collaboration from other Departments/Institutes. We Endeavour to help to help our students develop and become independent researchers and become partners in high impact research enterprises. We encourage our students and faculty to travel to meetings and conferences as it gives opportunities for them to present papers or posters disseminating research results as well as interacting with experts.
The teaching faculties are highly competitive, experienced with professional and academic qualifications.