A three days workshop on “ EMPLOYABILITY SKILLS “ was organized by SRGI in collaboration with AIMA
A three days workshop on “EMPLOYABILITY SKILLS “ was organized by SRGI in collaboration with AIMA , in the premises of S.R. group of institutions, Jhansi on 30th August 2017 to 1 September 2017. The professional certified trainer Mr. RAJEEV JAIN delivered his lecture & enlightened the students with his vast experience about are as follow :-
⦁ Behavioral skills – listening skill , communication skill & presentation skills.
⦁ Job approach– resume writing, interview mail drafting skill , handling difficult questions and online review .
⦁ Recruitment — understanding the corporate needs and expectations from freshers.
Mr. Abhinav Rai (Managing director), Prof.(Dr.) Archana Lala , Group Director SRGI motivated students and asked them to participate in workshop work Dr. Jitendra Rai (principal, polytechnic, Jhansi), Mr. Vikas Chaurasia (DOMS,Head of the department of MBA), Mrs. Smita Kenneth (Coordinator of BBA ) , graced the occasion of the presence .